Thursday, March 11, 2010

Be Romantic! Simple Ways to Make Any Girl Feel Special and Loved

Being romantic is something a lot of guys struggle with and every woman longs for in a relationship. It doesn't make you any less of a man and really shows your loved one that you care. Don't wait for Valentine's Day to come around, there are simple, practical things you can do to put a smile on his/ her face.
Starting with the classics...
COMPLIMENTS - The most simple and effective of all, pay your loved one a compliment. You know how much they mean to you - so tell them! Tell them how good they look, how they make you feel, how special they are. Follow it up with a hug or a kiss. Do this at least once every day, no excuses!
LOVE NOTES - I'm sure as a child or teenager you have written or received some kind of love letter. Remember how great that felt being told that someone likes you. Anyone can write and email or text, but a hand written note is much more personal. Write your loved one a note just to say hello or to say how much you love them. Its not what you say, its the fact that you made the effort to say it. Use anything you can find, a scrap of paper, a post-it note or the back of a piece of mail. Leave them in unexpected places for your loved one to find. Under their pillow, in their purse or wallet or stuck to the steering wheel of their car. You can always just post it to them. Always draw a heart somewhere on the envelope, this adds to the excitement of the letter.
A MIX CD - We all have access to computers and most of us have moved towards buying mp3's. We can still use this to our advantage. Just like before, putting in a little effort will really score browny points with your loved one. Create a CD of their favourite songs, memorable songs you have shared together, or simply songs that remind you of each other. This will most probably will be listened to when you are apart and is a great way to spark those warm feelings inside.
FOOD/ DRINK - The way to a woman's (and man's) heart is their stomach. A cliché thats true! Candy is a cheap way of putting a smile on someones face. Buy your loved one their favourite candy bar. Tell them you got them a little treat for being so lovely, or for working so hard, or even because you knew it was their favourite. Another simple gesture which is very effective. Just knowing someones favourite food or drink makes them feel like you care. No need to cook an expensive meal or take them out to an expensive restaurant. It really is the little things that make a big difference.
CHORES - Do something you really don't want to do - and don't wait to be asked. Random acts of kindness are really appreciated. Tidy up, clean the kitchen, take out the trash. It sounds obvious but taking control and being assertive is a very attractive quality in a partner.
CARDS - A personalised card is another cheap and fun gift for your loved one. You may not be the most creative person in the world, but the worse you are at drawing and crafting the more it will be appreciated. Don't spend money on expensive birthday, Christmas, anniversary or valentine's cards when you can make one especially for your loved one. Draw a picture of you together, find your favourite photo(s) of each other or Google a romantic scene. Personalise it with a heartfelt message and try to include their name on it somewhere, so that they knows its been designed just for them. Again, the more hearts the better. Get out your red sharpies and your pink colouring pencils!
These are some of the basics. I have many more simple romantic ideas to share with you. The more you can tie in an idea with your partners life or personality the more effective it will be. I will eventually delve into more creative and unusual romantic ideas, but lets master the easy ones first...
BE romantic!

This is an article by  Patrick Filewood

Achieving result in any relationship involves applying this tips and truly following this steps would make your love life an example for others

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Only Solution For Every Relationship Problem Is Passion

In every relationship, there is bound to be some form of misunderstanding, but to every problem there is always a solution, if only we would look inward and be ready to apply the solution. Being in love, will most of the time make us to find ourselves either offending our partner or we have been offended, every love affair, will once in awhile grow cold, the infatuation may sometimes reduce, our passion will decrease and our desire or obsession will sometimes decline.
Passion is what makes us want to live our life together with somebody that we fell in love; passion is what makes us see some qualities in our boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife and decide that we want to live the rest of our life together, but sometimes this same passion becomes reduce to the extent that a small decision not taking in your favour create a great argument and we begin to create a wall around our heart, things or decision that we can easily compromise on in the past, we now decide to take our stand and by so doing creating some problems in our relationship.
Solving relationship problem does not have a textbook that we can read and apply the solution given like we do when solving mathematical problems, most of the time the steps others took to solve a similar problem may actually work in the opposite direction for you, the solution given might create more problems in your own relationship. But there is one solution to every relationship problem, it has been tested, it has worked for ages, it is proven to work for your own love-life and is so simple to apply in any relationship, it is put enough passion in your relationship.
Having enough passion in a relationship will make big problems in a relationship almost fix themselves but a relationship that lacks passion will almost come to an end because of a small problem that would look like a mountain. If a relationship has enough passion, a small emotionally charged date will much more heal a relationship than having a long talk about relationship problem where there is no passion; even meeting with a marriage counselor with a lot of experience will not produce any result if there is no passion in a relationship.
We will fix a relationship or win an ex back faster, if we can all focus on increasing the passion and connection in our relationship than focusing on the problems we have in our relationship. Passion is all that is needed to make your relationship work better, the interesting is that, it is so easy to increase the passion in our love life, just let your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife become your obsession, let their desire become your obsession, look for ways to make them appreciate your presence, satisfy their longings, let him or her know they are important to your existence, do things that would make them look important, never abandon their emotion and before you know it, a bond of strong enthusiasm or fondness is going to be formed, the both of you will become inseparable.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Tricky Thing My Girlfriend Did...By Akin Iroko

Having a girlfriend or boyfriend or call it like the average person down the street would call it "a lover" is so much FUN and very exciting but keeping agirlfriend or lover is something but I think I have been kept by my girlfriend and she did a very tricky thing that I have not read anywhere, it was so wonderful new that I am putting it on this blog and I think it is something that we can ALL DO DURING THIS VALENTINE SEASON...

I know the question on your mind would be what did person do that is worth been writing online and if it so tricky won't it kill the passion in my relationship, I can bet it would do the exact opposite and at the end of the day you would be the happier for it...


She wrote a profile on me and added some beautiful, yet unnoticed thing about her boyfriend...
I know another question has been raised on your mind, what is profile writing and how can I do it...
What my girlfriend did has not been done by anybody that I know and I have not even read it online yet and even my title of what she did is personal, that was the BEST I could come up with!!!

In simple English, she wrote a book on me and she gave it to me, when I was traveling, this how she started the profile writing...
(1) She wrote about her desire, starting from when she was a baby and strategically put me in the whole story of her life, that is making me feel important and A BIG PART OF HER CREATION.
(2)She wrote about how we met, did she miss the part of me trying to get her to say yes? NO.
She even added the part that I can't seem to know when I did them...damn it the profile was good!!!
(3)She then told me about her love for me and how she wished I was not going anywhere, so that we can just be together...that part was so uplifting that I wished I could cancelled my trip.
And then finally, she wrote about our future together, if I tell that part made me see her in my arms in my "future's eyes"
So what I am simply telling you is express your love in writing and your relationship would be BETTER OFF!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Avoid a Bad Relationship - And Win at Love by Katie

As some might think, the key to avoid a bad relationship and win at love is common sense and yet you really don't know until you're taught. What have you been taught and how's that working for you?
Be a Winner
• Know what you want.
• Looks get your attention but go deeper.
• Does this person share the same interest as you?
• Know that you can attract exactly what and who you want!
• The key is knowing what you want and seek it out.
• Don't compromise who you are and what you like.
• Go to places and do the things you're interested in.
• Find who you like in the places you like and double your pleasure.

Don't Fight Nature - just be who you are, do what you like and go where you enjoy being. Going places out of your element is never a good starting point to win at love! Just as you go to your favorite restaurant to eat your favorite food, you to should go to your favorite places to find your best love.
Let's face it love is like hunger, if you don't get what you crave and desire you will be left unsatisfied.
What You Need is what you should get. Don't go about changing yourself and fitting some stereotypical mold. The best catch for you is a person who is like you and enjoys the same things you do. The best move to win at love is be yourself. It is only then you will attract what you are truly attracted to! Now that's real chemistry baby!
The Big Secret is that there is more than one perfect person for everyone. We've all evolved past the ancient myths and now understand that for every person there is far more than one other perfect match. So don't settle, seek out and find the person that flips your switch and visa versa.
Don't Give Up
• Enjoy dating many different people, this is a great and fun part of the plan!
• There is no set number of dates you should have before you find the one.
• Take your time the dating experience teaches you a lot about who you want.
• By learning what you don't want you come closer to what you do want.

All this is golden, relax take you time, choose wisely
These fundamental and basic needs are essential to finding and enjoying one of the many perfect love affairs just for you. It should be a balanced and yet exciting match one that really gets your blood pumping. There are so many people out there just right for you so enjoy the process.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Keep Your True Love - Relationship Advice That You Ought to Take Heed by T Hendricks

Have you watched Never Been Kissed wherein the character played by Drew Barrymore said something in this fashion, you finally found the one and you are both smiling and crying at the same time because you are happy you found the one and at yet scared that you may lose him? Kudos to you if you have succeeded in finding your true love and this is no easy feat. What is harder though is how to keep your true love. Read on for valuable pieces of relationship advice.

Happily Ever After Is Never Automatic

It is not impossible but it does not come automatically. At some point in your lives, you will get tired of endlessly staring into each other's eyes and start noticing the not so pleasant facets of your one true love. Love is not enough to take your mind off the fact that he keeps forgetting to put the toilet seat down, nor is it enough to take your mind off the fact that she cannot cook a decent meal even if her life depended on it. A lifelong relationship, to work, needs work from both parties.


The first thing is learning how to compromise. Maybe you can switch chores, you do the cooking, she does the table and dishes. It is not easy but the effort of learning to meet halfway is more than worth it. You are doing these things for love, your one true love.

Self Check

Look at yourself in the mirror and make an effort to know who you really are. If even you yourself don't understand who you are, what your personalities are really like, how do you expect your partner to know and understand the real you?

Keep Those Lines Open

You have all heard it so many times; an open communication with one another is a key to a lasting and strong relationship. When you ask questions, keep an open and positive attitude towards what your partner has to say. When you are asked the question, think hard and well and consider every angle as much as you can before blurting out your answer. Listen carefully to your partner, not only in terms of verbal communications but non-verbal most especially. Take note of every facial expression and body language your partner exudes.

Conflict Resolution without the Conflict

Probably the biggest part in how to keep your true love is to learn how to deal with conflicts the non-explosive way. When your partner does something that infuriates you, try your best not to explode in their faces. Resolve the conflict with the least amount of friction. Put yourself in their shoes, how do you want them to handle the situation when you are the one on the hot seat?

Even if you master these skills, there are no guarantees that your relationship will be the smoothest, problems will always and inevitably arise that will challenge your relationship but these will help you keep the bond strong and will lessen the chances of you having to lose your one true love.

Relationships and The Love Vibe by Suzanne Devereux

Do you dream about having more love in your life? Have you ever really thought about what love means to you? Does it mean a committed life-long partnership? Does it mean having someone to spend time with, just enjoying the simple pleasures? Maybe your view on love is broader and encompasses all of your relationships, including those with your family and friends. I've got a secret for you, and this is coming from a Life Coach who helps people create the lives of their dreams:

Love is a choice you make; it doesn't just "happen."

Love is something you decide to include in your daily life. It has to be a priority, given time and attention every day. And, above all, you have to express more love if you want to attract more of it.

If it took only three steps to create a more love-filled life, would you take those steps? Here's your chance to find out. Get out pen and paper and jot down your responses to these questions:

1) What do I really want in a relationship?
Get clear on this. Be specific. If you are looking for marriage or a long-term partner, then write it down. If you are looking for someone who is adventurous and fun, write those qualities on your list. Don't listen to the Peanut Gallery (your friends and family); make your own list of what's important to you.

2) What's been holding me back?
There are many reasons why you might not have the relationship of your dreams, and nearly every single reason has to do with negative messages that you're either hearing from other people or that you're telling yourself. Even though you'd like to believe that a Special Someone is out there for you, are there negative relationship messages that keep popping up, sabotaging your dreams? You've got a choice to believe the negativity or to focus on your dream partner. Which are you going to choose?

3) How can I express more love?
In order to bring more love into your life, you have to express more love. Show more love, care and friendship to others. Even if you want to attract a mate, you get good practice at loving when you show more love to your frien

Do you dream about having more love in your life? Have you ever really thought about what love means to you? Does it mean a committed life-long partnership? Does it mean having someone to spend time with, just enjoying the simple pleasures? Maybe your view on love is broader and encompasses all of your relationships, including those with your family and friends. I've got a secret for you, and this is coming from a Life Coach who helps people create the lives of their dreams:

Love is a choice you make; it doesn't just "happen."

Love is something you decide to include in your daily life. It has to be a priority, given time and attention every day. And, above all, you have to express more love if you want to attract more of it.

If it took only three steps to create a more love-filled life, would you take those steps? Here's your chance to find out. Get out pen and paper and jot down your responses to these questions:

1) What do I really want in a relationship?
Get clear on this. Be specific. If you are looking for marriage or a long-term partner, then write it down. If you are looking for someone who is adventurous and fun, write those qualities on your list. Don't listen to the Peanut Gallery (your friends and family); make your own list of what's important to you.

2) What's been holding me back?
There are many reasons why you might not have the relationship of your dreams, and nearly every single reason has to do with negative messages that you're either hearing from other people or that you're telling yourself. Even though you'd like to believe that a Special Someone is out there for you, are there negative relationship messages that keep popping up, sabotaging your dreams? You've got a choice to believe the negativity or to focus on your dream partner. Which are you going to choose?

3) How can I express more love?
In order to bring more love into your life, you have to express more love. Show more love, care and friendship to others. Even if you want to attract a mate, you get good practice at loving when you show more love to your friends, family and pets. Plus it activates the Love Vibe, sending out a signal to attract your perfect match. Make yourself a list of ways in which you can express more love.

By getting clear, eliminating negative messages and expressing more love, you will begin to activate the Love Vibration and will be presented with more opportunities to experience love.

ds, family and pets. Plus it activates the Love Vibe, sending out a signal to attract your perfect match. Make yourself a list of ways in which you can express more love.

By getting clear, eliminating negative messages and expressing more love, you will begin to activate the Love Vibration and will be presented with more opportunities to experience love.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Men Leave Marriages - Tips to Avoid Ending a Relationship by Marty Barton

Ending a relationship can be one of the hardest things that a person can do. The emotional strain and the feelings of loss can have an enormous impact on anyone going through such a predicament. So, why do men leave marriages?
There are some men, who don't want to be with just one woman for sexual reasons. There are some men who feel they have outgrown their wife. This happens often where the wife is at home with the kids and he finds that he is no longer attracted to her and would rather seek the attention of a work colleague. This is an awful situation, but sadly, it is more common than you would care to imagine.
It is not the easiest thing in the world for two people to live with each other and go on and forge a happy life together. There are many couples that have done this and have had wonderful marriages. Sadly, there are many couples that have tried (and tried hard in some instances) but have failed and the marriage has ended.
If you are having marriage problems and don't want to wind up in the divorce courts, you should take steps to make sure that you don't find yourself ending a relationship that could have been saved. Why men leave marriages is because they haven't been able to fix what was wrong in the marriage. This is where the right help can enable you to determine why the marriage struggled and what is needed to overcome your problems. Many relationships end because the parties simply don't work hard enough on the root cause of the problem.
In cases where the problem is detected and a plan put in place to overcome the problem, couples are well placed to move forward especially if their love is strong. It is a great tragedy that many good marriages have fallen by the way side when they should not have.
In summary, there are two types of men - those that are contented being in a monogamous relationship and those that aren't. Those that aren't are constantly restless and prone to having affairs. They generally will struggle to commit to just one person and will have trouble remaining married. They really do have problems and need help to work out what they can do to be more contented in their married life. If you are in this position and you have a fair idea why men leave marriages, the quicker you seek this help the better.
If you are going through hard times, please understand that you are not alone and that there is help available right here.